Development flow
Achieving a product that meets the customers’ expectations requires a structured development flow
Clearly defined tollgates and extensive insight ensures that the customer is always on top of development decisions and has the appropriate information needed for taking those decisions. The customer decides whether to pursue development at each Go/NoGo tollgate
Pre study tollgate
A short pre study is typically the best start. The basic product idea is discussed together with the customer under strict confidentiality. An indication is presented whether an ASIC is appropriate for the customer
Feasibility study tollgate
A deeper feasibility study based on the customer's draft requirement results in an implementation proposal where various solutions are investigated and one is recommended. Also, more detailed cost estimates and development efforts are presented
Prototype tollgate
After architectural work, detailed design and layout - the specification and design results are reviewed before taking the decision to proceed with prototype manufacturing
Production tollgate
The prototypes are characterized (including pre-qualification) and typically also tested by the customer at system level. Further, sufficient margins for good manufacturability are proven before releasing the IC for volume production
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